夏目漱石 なつめ そうせき Soseki Natsume
Going up a mountain track I fell to thinking. Approach everything rationally, and you become harsh. Pole along in the stream of emotions, and you will be swept away by the current. Give free rein to your desires, and you become uncomfortably confined. It is not a very agreeable place to live, this world of ours.
奥の細道Oku no Hosomichi 松尾芭蕉
国破山河在 Chinese 杜甫 DuFu
Spring View (春望)
大道廃有仁義 Chinese 老子 Laozi
Four Seasons 四季
Spring 春 はる haru
Summer 夏 なつ natsu
Autumn 秋 あき aki
Winter 冬 ふゆ fuyu
Spring: 桜 Sakura (Tokyo, Late March~Early April) お花見
Summer: 向日葵 ひまわり Sunflower
Autumn Leaves: 紅葉 (Mid-November)
Winter: コタツ Kotatsu, ミカン Mikan(Mandarin orange) Ski,Snowboard(Late-December ~ Early April ,Pow-Season 1-2)
1, Snowboard
2, Snowboard
3, Cold→Warm
4, New term starts
5, Warm→Hot
6, Rainy
7, Summertime Drums please(Scratch) 25℃以上, 77°F
8, Summer Madness (Hot and Humid)
9, Typhoon,Hurricane,Cyclone
10, Hot→Autumn
11, Kotatsu soon, Autumn Leaves
12, Snowboard "soon"
Kyoto 京都 きょうと
Kyoto = Jazz
John Coltrane - My Favorite Things↓